On Tue, 28 May 2013 14:29:05 +0100 (WEST)
supo...@logicworks.pt wrote:

> That's why I'm making this questions, to demystify some buzzwords around 
> here. 
> But if you have a strong and good technology why not create buzzwords to get 
> into as many people as possible? without trapped them. 
> Share a disk containing "static" data is a good idea, do you know from where 
> I can start? 

Everything depends on your needs, design planning. Maybe then sharing
disk would be better to share via NFS/iscsi. Of course if you have many
VMs each of them is different you will fail. But if you have mostly
homogeneous environment you can think about this approach. Sure you have
to have plan for upgrading "base" "static" shared OS data, you have to
have plan how to install additional software (different destination
than /usr or /usr/local)... If you already have your own build host
which builds for you OS packages and you have already your own plan for
deployment, you have done first steps. If you depend on upgrading each
machine separately from Internet, then first you should plan your
environment, configuration management etc.

Well, in many times people do not do any planning, they just think some
good technology would save their "poor" design.

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