hi oVirt Community.

This will be my first posting for help to the oVirt community, so please bear 
with me I'f I'm not to the etiquette standards you might have already.

I'm trying to test oVirt as a FOSS Virtualization solution for small- to 
medium-sized healthcare organizations implementing various health information 
technology solutions (HIT) that the new health care reform is requiring.  As a 
Clinical informatist, I'm very concerned about health care costs, hence I'm 
pushing for open source to take a wider stance in U.S. health care to reduce 
costs where possible and divert moneys to patient care.  Now enough with my 
altruistic desires, and let go into the deep.

I'm trying to create "virtual machines" (using VirtualBox, Parallels and/or 
VMWare Workstation); mainly one for "oVirt Engine"; ind later a the second one 
for "oVirt Nodes".  This way, these VM's files can be copier to any hardware 
and underlying OS, so at least the "Virt Engine" is easily installed and 
brought-up to facilitate managing oVirt Nodes.  I considered creating ".iso" 
images of each component (Engine and Nodes) but I'm afraid this will hit the 
wall for linux novices when installing the ".iso" images in different hardware 
platforms (with different processors, number of cores, RAM, chipsets, etc.)

I've begun with creating a VM for oVirt Engine under Parallels (albeit I began 
with VirtualBox, but drivers "client additions" aren't compatible with Fedora 
18 - so I'll migrate this Parallels VM to VB once it is operational)  Fedora 18 
installed without a single problem.  I then installed all "oVirt Engine" 
requirements by performing the instructions published in 
http://www.ovirt.org/Download - that is:

                   sudo yum localinstall 

        sudo yum install -y ovirt-engine

Third:  …I get stuck…!!!

When I am performing the third step, I hit the fan.  Each time I perform the 
third step shown in the aforementioned web page (i.e. sudo engine-setup), the 
"Welcome to oVirt Engine setup utility" appears and begins to run until I reach 
the point where I need to define a "Fully Qualified Domain Name."  

NOTE - A video of how to install oVirt in a single machine, entitled 
"Installing oVirt on a single machine" (at: http://www.ovirt.org/Documentation) 
shows the process (with some exemptions because it was recorded while oVirt 
v3.x was in beta), but I don't get what the video shows…!!!

This is what I do and before getting stuck in the "FQDN thing" (no pun 
intended…!!!).  As third-step, I enter:

        sudo engine-setup

I follow the prompts that appear after the "Welcome to oVirt Engine setup 
utility" is shown in the terminal window until I get to the prompt:
        Host fully qualified domain name. Note: this name should be fully 
resolvable  [localhost.localdomain] : 

If I press "Enter", I get…:

        The IP ( which was resolved from the FQDN 
localhost.localdomain is not configured on any non loopback interface on this 

I figured that in order to define a FQDNm I had to expose my "oVirt Engine" VN 
to the Internet.  Since I'm doing all from home (where I'm limited to a 
"Dynamic IP", albeit, which hardly-ever changes) I went to DynDns.org and 
created an entry so my "FQDN Text-URL" would resolve to the IP where I'm at.  I 
also modified my Domain's DNS and entered a "DNS Alias" named "dcmanagement", 
defining this "DNS alias" to resolve into my IP by going to DynDNS.org to get 
my "Public IP".  Hence, the alias "dcmanagement1" resolves by going to 
"healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org" and gets my Public IP.

NOTE - To test this setup, I do "ping" to either 
"healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org" or 
"dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.dyndns.org" and I get my Dynamic Public 
IP back.  Once the "Text URL" issue was returning my IP (as FQDN expect) I 
repeated the: 

        sudo engine-setup

Upon reaching:

        Host fully qualified domain name. Note: this name should be fully 
resolvable  [localhost.localdomain] : 

I entered "dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.com" and got my Public IP back 
with the following message:

        The IP (70.45.xxx.xx) which was resolved from the FQDN 
dcmanagement1.healthcareinfopartners.com is not configured on any non loopback 
interface on this host

Now, here's the question.  What does anyone suggest I do to overcome the FQDN 
setting and continue the installation process…?


José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS 
M: 787-615-4884 | richiepiovane...@healthcareinfopartners.com

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