According to prior emails "welcome page is apache, app itself coming from 
jboss.  overt engine (jboss) log will help here".  The I got to 
"/var/log/ovirt-engine" but find only the installation, cleanup and 
configuration logs for oVirt.

Where can I see JBOSS's logs…?

I've tried:
/var/lib/jboss-as (and all the files and directories thereunder)
/usr/share/jovirt-engine (where I found "engine.congig.defaults" and found the 
"path" to "JBOSS_HOME" as "/usr/share/jboss-as"
/usr/share/joss-as (where I traversed the whole directory structure and looked 
at all files.  Below some highlights.)
under "/bin" found "jboss-cli.xml" where "default controller" is set to port 
under "/domain/log" there's nothing
under "/standalone/log" there's nothing
under "/standalone/standalone.xml" (where I found a bunch of socket-bindings 
that have nothing to do with ports 8700 or 8701 - I suppose these are Jboss 
"management" ports)  

Where else should I try to look for a JBoss "log" that could tell me why I'm 
not being able to login into any of the oVirt "Portals" (i.e. User, 
Administrator, Reports) other than seeing the main screen where either of the 
prior portals can be selected…?

José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS 
M: 787-615-4884 |

On Jul 23, 2013, at 5:14 PM, Alon Bar-Lev <> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Richie@HIP" <>
>> To: "Itamar Heim" <>
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 12:09:41 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"
>> Where can I find oVirt engine (jboss) log files in Fedora 18 that you
>> mention…?
>> On a side note, In case it was a Firewall issue, I tried the
>> that comes with Fedora 18 and oVirt appears as a "Service" which I selected
>> so it is "trusted" under dmx, external,, home, internal, public and work
>> (hence, anywhere I could find it). I selected "Persistent Configuration" ,
>> and under "Services", selected oVirt, pressed "Edit Service" and all
>> possible ports (80, 443, 662, 8700, 8701, 32803, etc.) where listed as
>> "accessible"; so the firewall should't be the issue - hopefully.
>> Returning to your suggestion, I searched the Fedora 18 linux file-structure
>> for "jboss" using the "locate" command and got the listing below this
>> paragraph. Which file are you mentioning in your suggestion…? Cant find
>> anything that ends in *log"…!!!
>> Sorry for my ignorance…
> Logs are at: 
> /var/log/ovirt-engine
> Firewall configuration is handled automatically when running engine-setup.

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