> On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 7:37 PM <thomas(a)hoberg.net&gt; wrote:
> This is good, you should not use export domain at this point. We have better
> replacement (see my other mail).
I agree that one way should be enough, but it needs to work and ideally improve 
on usability generation on generation.
> I think you already found that OVA are not what you think they are.
> They work for exporting
> VMs from the same hypervisor and back, unless you have a tool that
> know how to convert
> OVA from one hypervisor to another like virt-v2v.
I am used to deal with VMs very much like LEGO bricks. I have moved them 
between hardware and hypervisors ever since Mendel Rosenblum & friends managed 
to trick the 80486SL into running a hypervisor with the system management mode 
intended by Intel only to make DOS not eat batteries on luggable hardware. 
Windows systems have made huge improvements, moving p2v, v2v, p2p, even v2p, 
Linux requires some precautions and constraints I have learned to observe.

The the more sensible (not as polite...) question is to ask: Should I actually 
move these VMs? And you're right, that I should better not, use infrastructure 
as code etc. but that leads right to containers rather than VMs. I've used 
OpenVZ in production for more than a decade for that and even nested them with 
Docker to get both scale-in and scale-out benefits and less friction between 
ops and devs. But as your very own Roy Goland blogged in January '19, every 
cloud needs an anchor, contro place or service VMs, for which oVirt is just 
right... but also the outer-most loop, where infra as code delivers the lowest 

Still the lab infra I support as a side job is so small, and my coding has 
become so rusty (wrote a Linux emulator for a distributed ยต-kernel as part of 
my thesis when Linus still didn't know that task state segments are too klunky 
for task switching), that I'd just prefer to use an appliance now, but which I 
know to have proper REST/Python APIs in case it grows into something bigger.

That doesn't change that any hypervisor should just support the elemental 
save/store/export/import operations in addition to 
start/stop/suspend/clone/migrate etc. VMware, XenServer, VirtualBox each 
probably aren't just minor players compared to oVirt/RHV and when you want to 
gain market share, bi-directional interoperability can lower barriers... even 
if they are a tad costly to maintain. In any case I currently blame the others 
for not understanding the OVAs QEMU is producing, at least until I can prove 
that wrong.
> True, ease of use is important. But if you are going to do this a
> lost, scripting the
> operation is important, and oVirt has a very powerful API/SDK.
> What you say is basically that having a backup is useful :-)
Yes, when you promise your team that things will be easier and better with 
oVirt, it's nice when you can avoid them losing everything.
> How are you going to use the OVA on a bare metal machine?
Not the typical emergency use case actually, even if I have done v2p on 
More typical would be that I'd just put (actually have) a VirtualBox on a 
normal Docker/Kubernetes compute node and just have that run a control 
plane/service VM that I had exported to cover this near disaster scenario of a 
failed cluster.

Actually again for LEGO spirit and flexibility I was going to put oVirt, 
VirtualBox and Docker on our big GPU ML compute nodes and then put policies in 
place to control how and if workloads would ever migrate there, because each 
would be blind to one another.

Alas, while Docker and VirtualBox get along fine, oVirt doesn't like to play 
with any of the other two, let alone both.
> Why do you need the desktop hypervisor? I would like to hear more
> about this use case.
Nothing magic, really just that developers sometimes like to build prototypes 
on their corporate Windows mobile workstations to work on them at home or even 
demo them to customers. VirtualBox isn't too bad but VMware workstation can 
make it very easy to just build an infrastructure out of LEGO VMs with a 
network included. Far less sophisticated than OVN and oVirt, but *everybody* 
can use it pretty much out of the box. Bare KVM is just not the same experience 
and I was actually very sad to notice, that VirtualBox and oVirt refuse to 
co-exist on a single host, even if both use KVM underneath! I got VirtualBox 
and VMware on my Windows machines without issues, and it's only HyperV that is 
getting increasingly exclusive, after a while when I could even run all three 
on a single machine. Not that anyone *should* do that, but then for type 2 
hypervisors there is no (technical) reason not to play well and I don't want 
politics on *my* machines.

And don't get me started on wanting to use nesting for the real LEGO experience!
> And if you need one, why not use something based on KVM (like
> virt-manager) so disks
> from oVirt can work without any change? This will make it easy to move
> from oVit to desktop
> hypervisor and back with relatively little effort.
You know, when somebody gives you a button, you tend to assume it's even easier 
than moving disks :-) I wouldn't actually assume that OVA export does much more 
than export disk images and add a few tags for the common subset of settings 
between hypervisors. And I was likewise quite surprised at the amount of work 
done by OVA import, when VirtualBox/VMware images were recognized. It's nice to 
see when it works, but I wasn't really expecting that. Linux is so hypervisor 
enabled and comes with built-in guest additions, that I haven't seen the need 
when moving VMs between VB/VMware/Hyper-V. And with Windows VMs, starting with 
W7/W2012 it's become almost a no-op, just pop it in and it will adjust with 
little more than a reboot, unless you want those virtio drivers for speed. 
> Thanks Thomas, this is very useful feedback!

I'll be happy to write up a long review of my experience if you would like 
that. I can type pretty fast, but few people like reading any more..
> Nir
Thank you for your time and patience!
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