> I have been using the instructions in INSTALL-WINDOWS which 
> points to the repository here 
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/qpid/trunk -
> apparently that is not correct. I have been using
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/qpid/trunk/qpid. Is this correct? 

Yes, thanks for the correcion. I fixed the INSTALL-WINDOWS to reflect

> I am still getting an error with CMake; 
> No need to generate AMQP protocol sources
> C:/qpid/qpid/cpp/../specs/management-schema.xml is newer
> C:/qpid/qpid/cpp/src/qpid/acl/management-schema.xml is newer
> C:/qpid/qpid/cpp/src/qpid/cluster/management-schema.xml is newer
> Regenerating Qpid Management Framework sources
> CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:101 (include):
>   include could not find load file:
>     C:/qpid/qpid/cpp/build/src/managementgen.cmake

It's a bit odd that there wasn't more output after "Regenerating ..."
- is there anything in C:/qpid/qpid/cpp/build/src/qmf?
Can you please try this command while cd'd to
C:/qpid/qpid/cpp/build/src :

python C:\qpid\qpid\cpp\managementgen\qmf-gen -c managementgen.cmake
-b -q -o .\qmf C:\qpid\qpid\specs\management-schema.xml

> I am using XP-SP2, VS2008, Boost_1_35, Python 3.0.1, ruby 
> 1.8.6 and updated my working copy to  revision: 828034 
> Any help would be appreciated !

Please let me know the above and I'll try to help get you going.


Steve Huston, Riverace Corporation
Total Lifecycle Support for Your Networked Applications

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:users-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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