On 05/11/2011 08:20 AM, stoyan wrote:
ok, initially after reading the qpid docs on setting up clustering i thought running the corosync service and qpidd with clustering options is enough, but now here's my wild idea - should the machines that i want to setup as qpid cluster be already in a linux cluster? i am not an admin, but while fighting this problem there were many mentions of aisexec, cman, cluster.conf, so am i right that the servers should be in a working cluster before attempting to run qpid brokers in cluster? after all even to me it is strange to run qpidd --cluster-name=BlahBlahCluster with the name BlahBlahCluster coming out of nowhere
You dont need to start cman etc. to start a qpid cluster. It is recommended you use cman because without it the qpidd cluster will not be able to handle network partitions, but I suggest you first get yourself running without cman. CPG can create process groups on the fly as processes join, the cluster-name is the name of a CPG group.
"Failed to initialize CPG.: try again (6)" sometimes indicates a problem with the openais.conf (or corosync.conf) Have you checked that against the checklist https://cwiki.apache.org/qpid/starting-a-cluster.html ? If you mail your corosync.conf and the output if ifconfig I'll take a look.
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