after some struggle i managed to run a 0.10 broker in cluster on my local
machine and started digging why it wouldn't start on the other servers.
after some strace-ing i noticed that on the local server qpid attempted to 
connect(10, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=@"corosync.ipc"}, 110) = 0
while on the other machines it failed when trying to connect(10,
{sa_family=AF_FILE, path=@"libais.socket"...}, 110) = -1 ECONNREFUSED
(Connection refused)

now apparently it would fail because i started corosync service, not

on the server i have openais 0.80.6 (yum installed); i manually built and
installed corosync 1.3.0. qpid's configure found both and i don't know what
decisions it made, but eventually i only managed to start qpid with cluster
on a machine without ais and i subsequently i gave up starting openais
service after a bunch of these (with valid confs in proper locations, i

aisexec: [MAIN ] AIS Executive Service RELEASE 'subrev 1887 version 0.80.6' 
aisexec: [MAIN ] Copyright (C) 2002-2006 MontaVista Software, Inc and
aisexec: [MAIN ] Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat, Inc. 
aisexec: [MAIN ] AIS Executive Service: started and ready to provide
aisexec: [MAIN ] parse error in config: No interfaces defined 
aisexec: [MAIN ] AIS Executive exiting (reason: could not read the main
configuration file). 

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