This thread interests me somewhat, in particular with respect to the new paging mechanism and also the backup engine in 0.24 (and I guess trunk). Is there any info/examples on how to set these up and have a play? Are they AMQP 0.10/1.0 neutral or do they have dependencies on 1.0?

What I'd quite like is something very similar to jimmy's needs whereby when a queue has exceeded a threshold messages get redirected to another queue. TBH I actually implemented something like this using QMF whereby my QMF application got notified of a queue threshold exceeded QMF event and when that occurred it did a QMF move message call to move 20% or so of the messages onto the "alternate" queue (actually my QueueFuse is largely the same except it purges rather than move messages).

The usage scenarios relate to my need for maximum "sunny day" performance, so I don't want to have to persist messages on my normal flow nor do I want to have HA in place and the message replication costs that entails.

So with a producer broker federated to my main broker from its primary queue and to my backup broker from its "alternate" queue if my main broker fails the primary queue fills up and causes queue threshold exceeded to be triggered thus triggering the messages to be moved to the alternate queue thence to my backup broker.

A similar mechanism can be used to deliver messages to a "backup engine" for storage/replay.

This sort of thing sounds quite similar to the replay engine that has been mentioned, but to be honest I'm not really clear how the replay engine mechanism needs to be set up. If it's similar in approach it feels a better model to have the broker do this sort of thing than to have to put in place an external QMF application. TBH I'd have quite liked the option to be able to trigger message delivery to the alternate exchange when being automatically removed from a circular queue - TBH that kind of feels like the most intuitive interpretation of alternate exchange delivery in the case of circular queues.


On 15/07/13 14:59, Gordon Sim wrote:
On 07/15/2013 02:01 PM, Jimmy Jones wrote:

I've got a system which can sometimes be a bit bursty, which would exhaust system memory if the queues were left unchecked. Therefore I've been using ring queues, which solve the problem quite nicely, apart from what happens to the "excess" messages. Ideally I'd like to buffer them to disk and process them at a later, quieter time. I've been digging around and can see a few options:

1) 0.24 will have flow to disk, which would be perfect but sometimes my messages are quite big (eg. 10MB) and this requires messages to be smaller than a page. Is this limitation likely to be removed soon?

The old mechanism (removed in 0.20) was called 'flow to disk'. I prefer to call the newer feature (to be released with 0.24) 'paging' or paged queue.

Though it is true that the queues page size must be as large as the largest message, you can configure that page size. So you could have just a few pages allowed in memory per queue, but have each page be 10MB (the page size is configured as a multiple of the platform page size).

As to whether it is likely that the implementation gets updated to allow a message to span multiple pages... I'd say probably not. To be able to dispatch the message in parts without having the entire thing in memory would require a fair bit of work. And without that I don't see a great advantage over just having bigger pages. (Unless I'm missing something?)

2) 0.24 allows a "backup engine" to take over a loaded queue (QPID-4650), but this looks like it'd require a fair bit of legwork to implement said engine. 3) alternate-exchanges. These look pretty good for my needs, but I can't seem to get them to work! From reading some documentation, I thought they'd good with a limit policy of reject - MRG 2 Installation & Configuration guide, 4.8.2 says for an alternate exchange specified for a queue: "Messages that are acquired and then rejected by a message consumer". However if I run the test below, messages only get routed to the alternate exchange when the queue is destroyed while containing messages, and not when messages are rejected because the queue is full. Presumably calling Session::reject would cause it to go to the alternate exchange, but should a limit policy of reject be the same?

The 'reject' policy is probably a little misleading given the other use of reject. WHat a 'reject' policy actually does is raise an AMQP 0-10 exception when the limit is reached, which effectively ends the session. Such messages are never routed to the alternate-exchange of the exchange or the queue.

Having a client reject rather than accept a message is in fact entirely different, despite the (confusing) similarity in name.

I have also just added a new policy that causes a queue to self destruct when it reaches the preconfigured limit. That could possibly be of interest in conjunction with an alternate-exchange. What would happen would be that at the point the limit is reached, the queue will delete itself, re-routing any orphaned messages to the alternate-exchange if set. The deletion of the queue will result in any subscribing session being terminated, but won't result in the publishers session hitting an exception. The issue there however is that messages published while the queue doesn't exist (i.e. before the subscriber re-establishes the session and recreates it) would be dropped (unless of course there were then no matching bindings in which case it would be rerouted to the exchange's alternate-exchange).

I suspect having spelled that all out it won't be a terribly appealing path...

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