Nice one Gordon, thanks!! Once again you display your awesomeness :-)
On 17/07/13 10:02, Gordon Sim wrote:
On 07/16/2013 09:54 PM, Jimmy Jones wrote:
On 07/15/2013 07:05 PM, Fraser Adams wrote:
I'd have quite liked the option to be able to trigger message
delivery to the alternate exchange when being automatically removed
from a circular queue
That would be a fairly easy change (see attached patch if interested).
On 07/15/2013 08:21 PM, Jimmy Jones wrote:
I don't think i'll now need it, but is there interest in a limit
policy of sending to an alternate exchange?
This is similar in some ways with the functionality above, except that
(if I understand it correctly) you would want the newly arriving
messages to be rerouted, rather than the oldest (or lowest priority)
messages(?). Not too difficult to implement either, I don't think.
I was actually after the same thing as Fraser - your attached patch does
the trick! Is it possible for something like this to make its way into
a release?
I've committed it to trunk:, I don't believe we have branched yet
for 0.24 (though that is imminent), so this may just have squeezed in
for that.
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