On 23 January 2014 19:27, Shearer, Davin <dshea...@novetta.com> wrote:

> I've got the rest API up and attached to my broker.  I can log into it
> using my browser and even create new queues using the web app.  What I
> can't seem to use is curl for doing REST interactions.  For instance, I
> fire up the C++ broker on on port 5673, then startup the REST API
> using the default authentication:
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$ ./build/tools/src/java/bin/QpidRestAPI.sh -a
> -w ./build/tools/src/java/bin/qpid-web
> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
> (org.apache.qpid.restapi.QpidServer).
> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for
> more info.
> I create a queue called 'davin_test" via the (very nice) web app and then
> verify it via qpid-config:
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$ qpid-config -a queues
> Queue Name                                     Attributes
> ======================================================================
> 2a8ce7c5-52cb-4958-b472-e7439d02b0d7:0.0       auto-del excl
> TempQueue568cf2e2-7bf9-4472-ab86-cb11bc7f52ad  auto-del excl --argument
> no-local=False
> TempQueue73e4df4c-9ef5-4d1e-ab6c-c8ba1647365a  auto-del excl --argument
> no-local=False
> TempQueue750b42a4-118c-4be4-9f6e-38818de00c3e  auto-del excl --argument
> no-local=False
> davin_test
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$
> It's there, great, now lets get some details using curl and the REST API:
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$ curl -X GET -u admin:admin
> 404 Not Found: File /rest/queue/davin_test not found.[davin@laptop24qpid]$
> Darn, that didn't work...  can we put new queues?
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$ curl -X PUT -u admin:admin -d '{"durable":true}'
> 405 Bad Method.[davin@laptop24 qpid]$
> What am I missing?

Those URLs look a lot like ones that would be used against the REST API
from the Java brokers management-http plugin. The URLs/payloads used by the
'QMF REST API' from the tools Fraser put together aren't likely to be that
similar to them.

I'll now have to defer to someone who can tell you what they would be


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