As one small example: one of your URLs had a
virtualhost name in it, but the C++ broker doesnt use named/multiple
virtualhosts and thus that part just doesnt map particularly nicely between
the two.


FWIW I did actually make an attempt to do something useful wrt. virtualhosts (though "nicely" might not be accurate, as you suggest...).

The QMF model does "technically" have a virtualhost part, but none of the tooling actually honours it. If I was only going to make the QMF plugin for the Java Broker work for the GUI I suspect I might have been able to use that, but I was quite keen to be able to use qpid-config too because there have been a few postings on the user list about the availability of command line tools like qpid-config for the Java Broker (also, as you know, at least in part one of my motivations was to show in kickable terms that convergence was at least plausible and to have a platform to be able to illustrate the wrinkles that make convergence "exciting").

I've somewhat kludged it so if there's a non default virtualhost the queue/exchange names get prefixed e.g.

The prefixing happens in the plugin and the ":/" is a "convention" that doesn't seem too unreasonable, you can also do things like:
qpid-config add queue <vhost>:/another-queue
And the plugin notices the ":/" and splits things into the vhost and queue parts so will add the queue "another-queue" to the virtualhost thus named.

It's not "nice" for sure, but it does mean that it works for a non-modded qpid-config/qpid-queue-stat etc..


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