On 23 January 2014 22:25, Shearer, Davin <dshea...@novetta.com> wrote:

> Ah, OK, I thought they'd both use the same REST API as documented here
> http://qpid.apache.org/releases/qpid-0.24/java-broker/book/Java-Broker-Configuring-And-Managing-HTTP-Management.html
> .

Alas no, as per the URL those are the docs for the Java broker HTTP
management plugin.

> To me the language that the broker is written in is an implementation
> detail.

The brokers came into existence separately and have evolved differently
over time. While effort is often made (from Gordon and Rob in particular)
to ensure they support similar features in similar ways where possible,
they ultimately do differ significantly and probably most visibly so around
configuration and management.

> Would it not make sense to layer the same REST API over both the
> C++ and Java brokers? Why should it be different?

Frasers QMF2 tools can work against either to an extent (it was originally
developed against the C++ broker and then a QMF2 plugin added to allow
operation against the Java broker), but the brokers are different and so
some stuff just is different. As one small example: one of your URLs had a
virtualhost name in it, but the C++ broker doesnt use named/multiple
virtualhosts and thus that part just doesnt map particularly nicely between
the two.

I guess the main reason the two REST APis in question are different though
is because the Java brokers plugin was developed to be an HTTP interface
more directly exposing its configuration model (because almost everything
is now configurable via it), whereas the QMF REST API was developed as a
way of offering up the QMF functionality used by the C++ broker for its
management. The two things were basically developed by different people at
different times for somewhat different purposes.


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