On Thu, 2014-07-24 at 17:31 +0100, Fraser Adams wrote:
> On 24/07/14 13:59, Alan Conway wrote:
> >
> > Very important point I forgot to mention: are you doing a release
> > build?
> >
> > cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
> >
> > That makes a big difference. It enables optimization flags for the C++
> > compiler. The default is not optimized.
> >
> Alan,
> I've mentioned this before, but I remain unconvinced that the default         
> should be for an unoptimised build. I totally realise that seems to be 
> "the CMake way", but it always used to be the case under automake that 
> the default was something reasonably optimised.
> If it turns out that your suggestion is indeed the cause of the 
> discrepancy I think that would back up the view that *at the very least* 
> the documentation for doing the build should mention this and if there 
> is still a general view to default to the unoptimised I actually think 
> that the CMake for qpid and proton should display a warning to remind 
> users that they are using an unoptimised build.

I agree (not sure why I didn't before, probably not paying attention.)
The default actually isn't any of the advertised build types (Debug,
Release etc.) it's a "just ignore opt/debug flags" build which is not
especially useful for anything. I never use it.

So I vote for making the default build type Release. Someone who finds
performance sucks is more likely to leave without asking questions than
someone who has trouble with their debugger (and since the default
doesn't set -g anyway that doesn't appear to be a problem.)

Any counter opinions? (as always, I assume silence is consent :)


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