Good day,

We’re trying to implement our Qpid dispatch router network in such a way that a 
sender can connect to it at any moment and start sending messages to a topic.
There might be no receivers at this moment, so the messages would be just lost. 
This is ok.
Then an any moment a receiver(s) can connect and start receiving messages 
currently being sent, then drop off. The sender will just continue sending 
messages, probably into the void.

It’s about sending data from sensors. Sensor data is short living and there is 
no need to buffer it or persist. If no one consumes this data in realtime, it 
can be lost.
Senders and receivers in our situation are quite volatile, they appear and drop 

As per docs of Qpid:
Dispatch Router uses a credit-based flow control mechanism to ensure that 
producers can only send messages to a router if at least one consumer is 
available to receive them. Because Dispatch Router does not store messages, 
this credit-based flow control prevents producers from sending messages when 
there are no consumers present.

I was wondering, maybe there is still a workaround or a trick to implement the 
router network the way I described in the beginning?
If possible without extra brokers and only with Qpid dispatch routers?



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