Hi Robbie,

Thanks a lot for quick reply.  We received only one below exception. There
are 7 destinations connected with single serviceBus connection. If links are
detached on “unknown peer error”, then we should receive at least 7
exceptions at "onException" block, but received only one.

I checked the log and find out that Application has not requested to close
JMS connection and does not initiate to close session/consumer of 6
destinations, but initiate to close/create session/consumer of only one

As Application received one exception, and found issue in only one
destination, So application re-established communication with only one
receiver (sub1). I am hoping closer of one destination (session/consumer)
shouldn't impact other session/consumer of 6 destinations.

Big trouble points for us that we haven't received any exception for 6
destinations and links were detached as well (tested with disabling the
queue which didn’t bubbled up error on onException block).

Just FYI - All Seven destinations(sub1, sub2, sub3..) are subscriptions of
single topic ('TestTopic')

Unfortunately I don't have any stacktrace, so i can't provide much details.
Please take a look below thread dumps, if it helps -  First_App_ThreadDump

Going forward, we will log stacktrace in onException block.

-------------------Details of another Application which have same issue like

We are using latest jar 3 applications and we received this type of error in
two applications. I looked error on other application and that application
is very light, not heavier like above one. Please find below findings

##JMS Infrastructure##
JMS connection - 1
Exception listener - 1
3 listener - (12 (3*4) consumers)
7 publisher - 
every consumer/publisher have separate JMS session, MessageConsumer and

Listener Details -
1. QueueA
2. QueueA/$DeadLetterQueue
3. QueueB

####Actions after exception ###
1. Exception on "onException" block - 
Connection exception from 'SBus_Connector_1', isConnectionActive 'true',
Reason 'Unknown error from remote peer' - 'class javax.jms.JMSException',
cause 'org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.ProviderException: Unknown error from
remote peer'

2. Checked isConsumerActive for 'QueueA' - result “true” - (We have problem
here, not consuming messages)
3. Checked isConsumerActive for 'QueueA/$DeadLetterQueue' - result “false”, 
Re-established consumer
         - I have doubt here, As 'QueueA/$DeadLetterQueue' consumer is 
deactive, so
'QueueA' consumer should be deactive as well. Please suggest your opinion.
4. Checked isConsumerActive for 'QueueB' - result “true” - (Did nothing)

FYI - We re-establish consumer only if consumer is deactive.

Same Application have another JMS connection(Separate ServiceBus broker
endpoint), on which we got same exception,
Error - Connection exception from 'SBus_Connector_2', isConnectionActive
'true', Reason 'Unknown error from remote peer' - 'class
javax.jms.JMSException', cause
'org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.ProviderException: Unknown error from remote

This JMS connection has one publisher which is trying to publish message,
while publishing it also throws "ProviderException - Unknown error from
remote peer".

Please find exception StackTrace -   StackTrace_Unknown_Remote_Error.json

ThreadDump - Application_Thread_Dump

##Overall Obesrvation ##
1. Exception listener does not receiver multiple notification for receiver
detachment. At least one notification should trigger for one destination.
2. JmsMessageConsumer.getMessageListener()->checkClosed() --> does not
provide correct closed status. It could be sync up issue.

Suggestion/Question - We can't enable TRACE in PROD environment because it
emits lot of logs. Can you please tell us any qpid class which logs TRACE
event only on failure like "Unknown error from remote peer". So we can log
enable Qpid log atleast for failure.

Please suggest your opinion on above query, So we can proceed further. I
will keep on working parallelly to replicate this issue if possible and
update you if found any.

Abhishek Kumar

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