Hi Alex,

Sometime it is really difficult to create test cases but for the actual case, I created a sample application.

Basically, there is a button to toggle the header and footer components show/hide with setting the state. You can see the strange behavior.

Also there are commented parts that do the same thing with visible & includeInLayout rather than state change, which is working as expected.

Here is the js-debug output : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oF7OIXuGTfLvqM8mtWGSaKiT8C6lQhb5


13.10.2019 09:43 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:

We want to understand why excludeFrom is not working.  If you can create a simple test case, that would be great, otherwise let’s try to debug a public version. Instead of paying for hosting, if you can create a version that doesn’t require server-side processing, then you can just upload the HTML/JS/CSS files to DropBox or some other account.



*From: *Serkan Taş <serkan....@likyateknoloji.com>
*Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
*Date: *Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 6:43 AM
*To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
*Subject: *excludeFrom vs visible & includeInLayout

Hi Herbs,

As you mentioned before, after updating the latest sources from github my actual problem is clearly related with the state concept, especially excludeFrom.

According to your advises I tried using  visible & includeInLayout,

eg. :

<s:Group id="mainApp" width="100%" height="100%" visible="false" includeInLayout="false" >

It did not work because when using  excludeFrom the component is not created until the state is changed. But with the second option the component is created, and due to architecture of my application flow,
throws exceptions related with created components that shouldn't be.

I have 2 options :

1. Reconstruct my whole application as the excludeFrom will never work
2. Try to find out why excludeFrom is not working

Which why should I go through ?


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