Firstly, I copy this folder to a new folder; then import the folder to

It took rather long time.
During importing, Eclipse claims maven build errors.

royale-maven-plugin:0.9.6:compile-app (70 errors)

royale-maven-plugin:0.9.6:compile-trust (70 errors)

My primary purpose is to build SampleAmfWebApp and run it.

In its pom.xml, errors are marked for combine.self.  I need to fix these
before build.

README seems to say, to run SampleAmfWebApp, RemoteObjectAMFTest is
required.  In its pom.xml, there is a plugin error.

Multiple annotations found at this line.

It is related to the above mentioned maven errors.

Are there any problems to import examples to Eclipse?

If so, what is a recommended way to build and run SampleAmfWebApp.
Shoichiro Takeshita
武下 祥一郎

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