There should be [1] a minified version under js-release


From: Carlos Rovira<>
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: How to minify mxroyale\HelloWorld .js file


Don't think so. I'm not an expert on Flex emulation in Royale but it's trying 
to work as Flex did, so I think if original flex hello world was around 500kb 
is normal that emulation is around that size.

Although Royale has a better architecture based on PAYG and strand/beads, only 
using UI Sets like Basic or Jewel will make you get better and lower sizes in 
your app.

That's one of the tradebacks in using emulation vs a newer ui set you get it 
working with less changes in your code, but the size will be pretty similar I 

El lun., 19 oct. 2020 a las 16:41, Piotr Grudzinski 
(<<>>) escribió:
Hi all,

I have built the the mxroyale\HelloWorld example using a command line with the 
following options:
-debug=false -targets=JSRoyale +configname=flex
The HelloWorld.js file in the js-release folder is 504KB in size which feels 
quite big for such a simple application.
Are there any compiler options available to minify the generated .js file?
Any other ideas to minify it?


Carlos Rovira
Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
Apache Software Foundation

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