Hi Harb,

Thanks for your response. I have gone through the documentation. I will do
my test again starting with the smallest size option and share my findings.


On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 10:59 AM Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry for my deal in responding.
> Let’s take a step back.
> I’m not sure how you are compiling your modules. I just added some content
> to the module documentation page which explains what compiler options you
> need while compiling modules. (It still needs some editing.)
> https://apache.github.io/royale-docs/features/modules#minification
> Are you using those options?
> On Dec 29, 2021, at 2:19 AM, Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com> wrote:
> Hi, Let me join you with these tests....
> @Harb, I have compiled the SDK from this branch, 
>  and when running in debug I get this error:
> Message on the PURGE CONSOLE is displayed:
> Cannot convert  org.apache.royale.reflection.beads.ClassAliasBead  to IBead
> Message in the IDE Window:
> Se produjo una excepción: TypeError: Cannot convert [object Object] to
> IBead
>   at App.org.apache.royale.core.ElementWrapper.addBead (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/core/ElementWrapper.js:114:11
> )
>     at App.org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper.addBead (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/core/HTMLElementWrapper.js:43:65
> )
>     at App.org.apache.royale.jewel.Application.start (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/jewel/Application.js:246:10
> )
>     at App.App_loadXML (http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/App.js:1681:25
> )
>     at
> org.apache.royale.net.URLLoader.org.apache.royale.events.EventDispatcher.fireListeners
> (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/events/EventDispatcher.js:97:23
> )
>     at Function.goog.events.EventTarget.dispatchEventInternal_ (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/library/closure/goog/events/eventtarget.js:381:26
> )
>     at
> org.apache.royale.net.URLLoader.org.apache.royale.events.EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent
> (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/events/EventDispatcher.js:72:37
> )
>     at org.apache.royale.net.URLLoader.jsEventHandler (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/net/URLLoader.js:169:12
> )
> Call stack:
> <image003.png>
> [INFO] Executing MXMLC in tool group Royale with args: [
> -load-config=D:\Develop_Royale\Projects\WinPlusWebSuite\royaleapp\royalelogin\target\compile-app-config.xml,
> -js-default-initializers=true,
> -source-map=true,
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true,
> -keep-as3-metadata+=Inject,Dispatcher,EventHandler,Event,PostConstruct,PreDestroy,ViewAdded,ViewRemoved,Bindable,Transient,
> -keep-code-with-metadata=Inject,
> -show-binding-warnings=false,
> -export-public-symbols=false,
> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false,
> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false,
> -js-output=D:\Develop_Royale\Projects\WinPlusWebSuite\royaleapp\royalelogin\target\javascript,
> -compiler.targets=JSRoyale,
> D:\Develop_Royale\Projects\WinPlusWebSuite\royaleapp\royalelogin\src\main\royale\App.mxml
> The release execution does not change, the error is the same as before
> (SDK compilation from the develop branch):
> Se produjo una excepción: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable
> com.iest.winplusweb.models.MasterConfigSystemModel is not defined.
>   at yR (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:3605:1771)
>     at Mya (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:3343:365)
>     at AR.J.usa (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:434:441)
>     at GFa.J.fromTypeDefinition (
> http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:5706:139)
>     at Function.YT.getTypeDescriptor (
> http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:4570:820)
>     at Function.fX.constructBean (
> http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:2336:472)
>     at r$.J.initialize (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:5041:66)
>     at OW.J.init (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:950:452)
>     at OW.J.u (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:951:454)
>     at $$.J.addBead (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:357:549)
> The main difference:
> project compiled from "SDK-develop" runs fine in js-debug and gives error
> in js-release and, compiled from "SDK-ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO" does not
> launch because of conversion error.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> *Enviado el:* martes, 28 de diciembre de 2021 15:55
> *Para:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> @Harb
> I have checked out the feature/ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO branch and compiled
> asjs and compiler. I have rebuilt my application with modules in release
> mode.
> I get the following error when I attempt to launch a module
> <image001.png>
> The module loads fine in debug mode
> <image002.png>
> Snippets of the log
> Overview.js:786 Uncaught TypeError: cm.valuesImpl.init is not a function
>     at Rr.Mr.yl (Overview.js:786)
>     at Function.iq.generateMXMLProperties (Overview.js:736)
>     at Rr.hq.generateMXMLAttributes (Overview.js:546)
>     at new Rr (Overview.js:804)
>     at LN.J.loadHandler (FrontEnd.js:1967)
> Mr.yl @ Overview.js:786
> iq.generateMXMLProperties @ Overview.js:736
> hq.generateMXMLAttributes @ Overview.js:546
> Rr @ Overview.js:804
> J.loadHandler @ FrontEnd.js:1967
> load (async)
> LN.loadModule @ FrontEnd.js:1965
> dN.loadModule @ FrontEnd.js:2406
> LD.Un @ FrontEnd.js:1809
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:248
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> I have attached the full log to this email.
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 2:51 PM Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Maria,
> Prior to starting this mail discussion "Load time is very slow". I can
> confirm I have only been compiling in debug mode. My target\javascript\bin\
> only had js-debug. It was after I upgraded my royale sdk from 0.9.7 to
> 0.9.8 that I compiled in release mode.
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 2:24 PM Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com>
> wrote:
> Hi, @Roman, I think you are doing a double compile can it be? My times are
> the same as yours and I always compile in debug and release.
> Look at your target folder " target\javascript\bin\" and if you have two
> folders: js-debug and js-release you are compiling always double.
> In my case, the architecture of my project as well as the Maven
> compilation files (pom.xml) were provided by an external company (we didn't
> know anything about Maven or Royale at that time) and I understand that
> this formula was chosen to show us the options we had.
> A priori and without doing any test as Harb has done, I think that
> modularity gives us the advantage of compiling parts of the code once and
> not compiling them again if they are not modified. So far WITH MY
> COMPILATION TIMES, sometimes more than 1 minute, this is fundamental. But
> of course, now we have the problem of minification of the modules and it is
> really a serious problem because it is impossible for us to deploy in
> production.
> I will try to separate the compiación realese with a profile and if I
> succeed I will pass it to you @Roman.
> @Harb what do you mean by compiling the ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO branch?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com>
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2021 18:32
> *Para:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> That doesn’t sound right.
> Are you sure you’re compiling debug and not release? That sounds like
> release build times.
> On Dec 27, 2021, at 3:31 PM, Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Wow ! You are using a workstation with a bleeding edge processor.
>  I just compiled my app now. It took 44 seconds. (First compilation after
> ide start up.) Subsequently compilations are usually 19s to 20s.
>  My application code base is very very small compared to yours.  As we
> continue to add functionality, I expect the compile times to rise.

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