Thank you for the quick response, Betrand! So in that case I might give 
the snapshot version located here:
a quick try. If there is anyone already using velocity I'd be glad to 


Olaf Otto IKGE*
externe Mitarbeiter, Unic AG, Bern
CSS Versicherung
Tribschenstrasse 21
CH-6002 Luzern
Telefon +41 (0)58 277 11 11
Telefax +41 (0)58 277 12 12 /

CSS Kranken-Versicherung AG, CSS Versicherung AG,
INTRAS Kranken-Versicherung AG, INTRAS Versicherung AG,
Arcosana AG, Auxilia Kranken-Versicherung AG

Von:    Bertrand Delacretaz <>
Datum:  25.08.2010 12:07
Betreff:        Re: Velocity scripting support

Hi Olaf,

2010/8/25  <>:
> ...I am wondering what the state of the velocity scripting support for 
> is. It appears to be mentioned here and there, but all I could find is a
> snapshot version of it in the repository. Is there a release version of
> velocity scripting available and is anyone using it?...

We didn't release contrib/scripting/velocity yet, but if people are
using it successfully I guess we could.

The bundle just wraps the velocity engine, so there's not much that
can be broken in it ;-)


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