Shouldn't SLING-1708 be implemented first? Not knowing much about
Velocity, it doesn't look that complex.

On 9/16/10 2:39 PM, Felix Meschberger wrote:
> Mike, will you give it a try ?
> Regards
> Felix
> Am 16.09.2010 15:13, schrieb
>> Hi there
>> I think the current velocity scripting support is, albeit some open issues 
>> persist, ready for a first release. I see there already is a 2.0.0 tag for 
>> it - will this version be deployed to the releases repository? I'd then 
>> use it in a vital development project, so we can collect issues 
>> improvements for the next version ;-)
>> Regards,
>> Olaf
>> ___________________________________________________________________
>> Olaf Otto IKGE*
>> externe Mitarbeiter, Unic AG, Bern
>> CSS Versicherung
>> Tribschenstrasse 21
>> CH-6002 Luzern
>> Telefon +41 (0)58 277 11 11
>> Telefax +41 (0)58 277 12 12
>> /
>> ___________________________________________________________________
>> CSS Kranken-Versicherung AG, CSS Versicherung AG,
>> INTRAS Kranken-Versicherung AG, INTRAS Versicherung AG,
>> Arcosana AG, Auxilia Kranken-Versicherung AG
>> Von:    Mike Müller <>
>> An:     "''" <>
>> Datum:  25.08.2010 16:22
>> Betreff:        RE: Velocity scripting support
>>> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Mike Müller
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I just upgraded and tested the Velocity scripting
>>>> support to the latest stable version 1.6.4.
>>> Thanks!
>>>> What about making Velocity scripting to a first citizen
>>>> scripting bundle and move it to bundles/scripting/velocity?...
>>> My preference is to leave it under contrib/scripting/velocity, so as
>>> to keep our core small. That doesn't prevent us from releasing it.
>> Okay, that's fine for me. In this case I would like to make a
>> release 2.0.0.
>> best regards
>> mike
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