> "Why don't  you use Jackrabbit via DavEx or RMI?"
Good question. I was looking for a REST interface to Jackrabbit. I
don't like RMI. I don't like it a lot. IMHO Remote Procedure Calls
come into the category of a Very Bad Idea (TM), but that discussion
has been done to death. I'm not actually familiar with DavEx. If there
is a simpler REST Interface than slide that would be very interesting.
One of the things that attracted me to Sling was the presentation
http://www.slideshare.net/lars3loff/the-zero-bullshit-architecture. I
found that I shared a lot of prejudices with the author, and shared
prejudices are what makes the world go round. As I understand it Day
were the main contributor to Sling, and the Sling architecture is what
he was describing.

> "I'm not sure what you meant by "a mixture of structured and 
> unstructureddata".
By a "mixture of structured and unstructured data", I mean that some
data will have schemas and some won't. I also am quite likely to
change the schema across time. As I have been involved in a large
number of database migration problems: all of which were painful, I
hope to avoid all those problems. It looks to me that Jackrabbit will
deal with many of these issues.

> "Have you looked at other databases such as CouchDB or MongoDB?"
I haven't looked at CouchDb/MongoDb, although I have worked with Neo4J
and Cassandra which have some similar properties. I really like
Cassandra, and keep trying to make the project I am writing use it,
but the amount of work I would have to do is quite high.

> "I don't think Sling is a remote repository."
You might be right. I have come to it thinking its mainly a Restful
front end to Jackrabbit, but it is quite a lot more than that.
The features of Jackrabbit I like are
1: WebDAV interface...There are loads of tools available for
troubleshooting and exploring
2: The versioning

Although I came to Sling for the Restful interface, there are a few of
features that Sling adds to Jackrabbit that I like:
1: It looks as though Sling would deal with the schema changing across
time issue: The support for multiple renderers, and for those
renderers to be quite sophisticated looks as though I can ask for
resource.oldVersion0, resource.oldVersion1 or resource.json, and have
the correct values presented to me.
2: I hope to be able to use the Sling rendering to reduce the chatter
between client and server

If there is a more suited Restful interface to Jackrabbit I would be
very interested.

On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 1:51 PM, sam lee <skyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why don't  you use Jackrabbit via DavEx or RMI?
> http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/RemoteAccess
> I don't think Sling is a remote repository.
> I'm not sure what you meant by "a mixture of structured and unstructured
> data".
> Have you looked at other databases such as CouchDB or MongoDB?
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 8:05 AM, Phil Rice
> <phil.rice.erud...@googlemail.com>wrote:
> > @Sam Lee
> > "Why do you want to access through Java" My client is going to be an
> > Eclipse
> > Plugin. In practice I will probably use Scala or Clojure, but I didn't want
> > to pollute my pitiful request for help with language issues. I think Sling
> > looks like an excellent remote repository for a mixture of structured and
> > unstructured data.
> >
> > @Julian
> > I take your point. I think all I really needed was the hello world program
> > to post data in, and get data out. One of the things I really like about
> > Sling (although I haven't got it working yet) is that I can effectively ask
> > for an object graph with one query.
> >
> > Example: I am making a project data repository. My data structure holds
> > data
> > such as "software projects", "releases", "classes", "methods". Some
> > "fields"
> > are mandatory, but many will be freeform. The relationship between these
> > entities is complex. As an example the method setXXX may exist across
> > multiple versions, but perhaps change what it does, so displaying comments
> > and documentation about that method requires business knowledge. As I
> > understand it, in a single query about a method, I can return data about
> > the
> > method, but I can walk the repository tree (I don't have the sling language
> > yet...give me time) and return data about the method, the class that holds
> > it, the releases that the class is in, and the project that the holds the
> > data about the class.
> >
> > Your checklist looks like a training plan. My first plan was to make a plug
> > in that was very chatty: I make a query for each entity, perhaps 20 queries
> > for a screen full of data. This would allow me to gain experience with
> > sling, eclipse plugins etc, and give me something "shiny" to discuss with
> > potential users. Once I have that working, I will be doing a lot more work
> > to reduce it to (hopefull) one request, at which point I will be using a
> > lot
> > more of the sling tools
> >
> > @Bertrand
> > Thanks for the slingbucks example, I'll start with that and if I get stuck
> > move onto CRX.
> >
> > @All
> > Once again thank you for the assistance
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz <
> > bdelacre...@apache.org
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Julian Sedding <jsedd...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > > ...Typically when working with Sling you don't access it via HTTP a
> > lot.
> > > > Rather you work "within" Sling. I.e. you write scripts that run within
> > > > an authenticated request (which typically originates from a browser).
> > > > I believe that getting "inside" Sling can be a little tricky at the
> > > > beginning and that's where CRX with its tooling can certainly help....
> > >
> > > Though our samples, like the Slingbucks one, [1] will show you how to
> > > combine java and scripting code to create applications with Sling.
> > >
> > > -Bertrand
> > >
> > > [1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/samples/slingbucks
> > >
> >

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