On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Mark Herman <mher...@nbme.org> wrote:
> I agree, it sounds like Sling will work for what you need.  Personally I
> first was interested in using the JCR, and after learning that, Sling was
> very easy to pick up.  I would definitely recommend getting some sort of JCR
> explorer so you can get a feel of how a jcr repository works, looks and
> feels. There are open source projects or you can use Day's developer 
> product....

There's even an explorer in Sling,
http://localhost:8080/.explorer.html if you have the
org.apache.sling.extensions.explorer bundle.

It's not perfect, but improving it would be a great way of learning Sling ;-)


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