Roy Teeuwen wrote
> Hey Carsten,
> Thanks for the info, I will definitely follow up on the progress of what you 
> are making then :).
> One remark though, you say it's not the task of the bundle developer to 
> create the user and assigning the rights. 
> I can follow in this, but this also means that the potential users of the 
> bundle you create has to know exactly the name of the service user and the 
> rights required for the bundle to work. 
> Is there going to be some sort of mechanism (like the require-capability 
> header) to tell the users of the bundle what the needed user and rights are? 
> Maybe even a webconsole plugin showing which bundles aren't satisfied 
That's indeed a good point, so far we don't have any mechanism here.
Defining the requirement is easy and we could add an entry to the
manifest of a bundle if the bundle requires a service user including the
sub module names.

The problematic part is providing the capability as these can't be
dynamically created and added to a module at runtime. For example, it
would not be possible that the Oak implementation bundle adds the
provide capabilities entries based on the available service users.

I think the only option we have is using OSGi services as these are
dynamic and requirements can be easily expressed through services. I
don't have any good idea on how to do this with service users, but I
should definitely be possible and I agree that we should provide
something like this.



Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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