
Am 26.01.2011 um 21:32 schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
> My personal impression is Linuxmagazin is more into software battles recently.
:) Could be ...

> Anyway. What happened to Pascal's proposal for a German user group. I wouldn't
> drive all the way to Konstanz, allthough the city is lovely, to get together,

> but I would definitely be interested to start a group.
> GSUG == German SOGo User Group?

> Franziskanerstraße 15      Telefon +49 89 3090 4664
> 81669 München              Telefax +49 89 3090 4666
Maybe MSUG = Munich User Group? ;-)
(I'm working at Munich, too)

Basically is the GSUG an good Idea, I think.
We should clarify the way(s) we work together, the topics - in common: which 
objectives and contents are important for german SOGo-Users.
And: do we really need a GSUG?


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