Hello, Here are the software version I use :
Android funambol client : 10.0.0 Funambol : 8.5.2 + funambol-sogo v1.0.9 SOGO : 1.3.7a When I create event on my Android device and sync with funambol to add it to SOGo, the webUI stop to display the calandar. If I export it, truncate table and import it, the webUI display the calendar with the event -> so SOGo can read the camendar as it can export it, but the webUI can't display... Here is the log of the event is ds-server : BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:1.0 TZ:+0100 DAYLIGHT:TRUE;+0200;20100328T020000;20101031T030000;Europe/Paris;Europe/Paris DAYLIGHT:TRUE;+0200;20110327T020000;20111030T030000;Europe/Paris;Europe/Paris DAYLIGHT:TRUE;+0200;20120325T020000;20121028T030000;Europe/Paris;Europe/Paris DAYLIGHT:TRUE;+0200;20130331T020000;20131027T030000;Europe/Paris;Europe/Paris BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Test DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTART:20110514T120000Z DTEND:20110514T130000Z X-FUNAMBOL-ALLDAY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR And if I delete the event on the device, restart the funambol sync : the webUI can display the calandar. I appears there is something "wrong" for the webUI in the event add by funambol... Any idea ? David. -- Chronique, Articles, Projets "libre" -> http://www.cure.nom.fr/ Follow me @tdjfr on Identi.ca / Twitter Association FINIX : Finistere *nix -> http://www.Finix.EU.Org/ "Le temps est sans importance, seule la vie est importante" L5E
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