Le Sun, 26 Jun 2011 21:22:39 +0200,
Dominique <dco...@hotmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
> Great script idea, but I have a few questions:
> 1. what module to install in ubuntu 10.04 server to get the 
> data::ical::datetime module installed correctly ? No luck so far.

I'am on slackware for the scripts, so i use cpan.
I have been asked to install this on ubuntu, and i used cpan again.

> 2. does the url needs to be https? In my case it is a simple http, and 
> the script 'dies' at line 52 with an 'unauthorized' error. Since I am 
> using a working account, is there something else to look for ? Can the 
> https be change in the script for http only ?

No need to be https, and no reference to it in the script (except
Check user and password, I test with http and it's ok for me.
The module Net::SSLeay is needed for https to work.

> 3. what does the <# of days> refer to for the --doit variable?

Thank copy/paste :(
doit doesn't need anything else.




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