On Aug 20, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> We have SOGo set up using our Active Directory domain for the ldap source, 
> and one user cannot log in. I get the message:
> SOGoRootPage Login for user '<username>' might not have worked - password 
> policy: 65535  grace: -1  expire: -1  bound: 0
> in the sogo.log.
> This person has no problems logging in to any other service in the domain, 
> and her AD record doesn't look any different than any other. 
> All I've found searching the list is 'this is LDAP configuration issues'; we 
> haven't run into any other person on the domain with this issue.
> Any ideas?

I ran into a similary problem using OpenLDAP. However, it wasn't related to 
just one user, it would occur on all users. What I did to fix the error on my 
side was the following command:

  defaults write sogod SOGoLDAPQueryTimeout 30

My hope is that will fix your issue too. I suspect a bug in the caching 
mechanism for SOGo.

Best Regards,

Jason Wohlford


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