I went looking through the sogo.log and found the following error:
Feb 15 12:33:33 sogod [17993]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: Spanish
Feb 15 12:33:34 sogod [17993]: <0x0x7f640e732580[NSString]> Got invalid
multibyte sequence. ToEncode: UCS-2LE FromEncode: UTF-8.
localhost - - [15/Feb/2012:12:33:34 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/myuser/Mail/view
HTTP/1.1" 200 14196/0 0.800 81409 82% 4M
Feb 15 12:33:34 sogod [17993]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: Spanish
Guess I have the problem as well...
That one is new since version 1.3.12.
Anyone please ?
On 15/02/2012 15:51, robe...@indomitux.com.ar wrote:
What I've found is than in our sogo database, sogo_user_profile.c_defaults
column the "SOGoLanguage" is still set to "Spanish" and not
I'll replace it and test again.
It didn't work :-(
But WebServerResources/ckeditor/lang/_languages.js file mentions Spanish
as an option but not SpanishArgentina, neither SpanishSpain... is it
possible it has something to do with the problem?