Il 29/03/2012 11:14, Khapare Joshi ha scritto:
hello all,

I dealt with sogo slow performance earlier - perhaps you can find in the list. 
I deployed sogo at my work around feb last year and is doing well. Although we 
have 17000+ users in our cyrus (imap server), only 6000 of those users are now 
using sogo. This might change very soon when we will enforce everyone to use 
sogo (goodbye to old sq mail).

With the performance issue with the sogo. I also use imapproxy in between imap 
server and sogo server. This has certainly help to increase performance at 
least for me. Also, seach in mailing list as "Sogo Slow performance" - this 
will give you some idea how to optimize your sogo that we discussed. So what I 
did is: increase the number of PREFORK to 70(in /etc/sysconfig/sogo) and you 
need minimum 3 postgres connection per sogod which means:

if you increase prefork to 70 then your postgres connection should be 3*70

This has helped at least for me.

There are probably other technique to optimize sogod but at this time this is 
good for me:) try doing this and see what happens.


Well, I applied all your suggestion, but no luck.

- I installed imaproxy, listening on port 144, and instructed SoGo to connect 
to this port. I see it is correctly working
- I preforked sogo to 10 (now there are only some test users)
- I adapted postgres connections likewise

The problem is the same: the system in the complex is ok, but 3 users with a 
LOT of folders, needs to wait 9 seconds to pass from Calendar or Address tab to 
No such problem in Squirrel, or in thunderbird client.

I don't know what to do...

Marco Coli

Global Services
CAD CAM Specialist

Tel.    +39 057444741

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