Am 27.03.2012 19:52, schrieb Marco Coli:
Il 27/03/2012 08:57, Alessio Cecchi ha scritto:
Hi Marco,

what IMAP server are you using? Dovecot should have better performance
than Cyrus.
I am using cyrus-imapd-2.4.14-1.el6.x86_64.
Are you sure about best Dovecot performances? For us is not possible to
migrate, we are using Cyrus for the last 10 years.
In the daily use, with Thunderbird as a client or with squirrelmail as
web application, we never experienced any performance issue.
I don't think that cyrus is "per default" slower than dovecot (But that's another story)
Where do you see performance issues ?

We first need to find the bottleneck before we can find solutions


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