On 31/08/12 11:59, Zachary Acreman wrote:
As the reported problem is not with calendar or alarm *display*, but with calendar *sharing* and permissions, that suggests a SOGo Connector or Integrator problem. The bug is not present in Thunderbird/Lightning alone, by definition.
That's not true.

Lightning tries to do a PUT on the shared calendars where you activated alarms and where you don't have write permissions. Lightning shouldn't do that - it should simply update its internal cache for alerts acknowledgment.

If you manually subscribe to a CalDAV calendar with a Thunderbird profile that doesn't have the SOGo extensions, you'll have the same error.

I remember discussing that years ago with the Mozilla Calendar development team but I don't recall the outcome.

What we could do in SOGo Integrator to mitigate the issue is that after reading/refreshing the ACLs from the server, we could disable alarms to calendars where we can't write to.

Ludovic Marcotte
+1.514.755.3630  ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


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