Ah - ok the plot thinckens. I've now found someone else who "had that done by Inverse".

The LDAP doesn't bother me too much, through the 6 builds I did Yesterday I figured out what is likely necessary in there, what I 'm *NOT* sure about is whether LDAP is even necessary...

"http://www.sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGo%20Native%20Microsoft%20Outlook%20Configuration.pdf"; seem to imply no LDAP necessary since Samba will do the job.

However, looking in the appliance both Samba and LDAP are running.

root@sogo:~# ps -ef | grep slapd
openldap 968 1 0 09:20 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/slapd -h ldap:// -g openldap -u openldap -F /etc/ldap/slapd.d
root@sogo:~# ps -ef | grep samba
root       515     1  0 09:20 ?        00:00:00 samba -D
root       577   515  0 09:20 ?        00:00:00 samba -D

I'm not so much concerned with the "how to change/add" my test domain as I am with getting a list of all the places that it needs to be changed/added.

I wonder if someone from Inverse would be willing to send the steps (it might that this is a revenue stream so I'd fully understand if not)?


On 2013-03-02 13:04, stev...@cinergymetro.net wrote:
I have also been interested in "how" this can be done.

We started with a previous ZEG built on Ubuntu 11.04 and SOGo 1.3.10
Since we
had little experience in Linux configuration (specifically, 'ldap' and
'postfix'), we paid Inverse to complete the configuration.

IF I understand correctly, SOGo is capable of multi-domain
configuration, so it
may be as simple as creating a secondary domain (not a child domain)
(and then removing) 'example.com'

Adding SOGoMailDomain to GNUstepDefaults (pg. 14-16)

The 'fly in the ointment' is likely to be 'ldap' and Samba4 You will have to create your domain in those services first (or concurrently) before creating the mail domain in SOGo You will also have to create users and mailboxes in
'cyrus' (not difficult)  We created Linux users first, but it's not

I am faced now with adding Samba4  It's not a necessity for us but an

I would think someone with a bit of experience with 'ldap' and
'samba' could do
the work.

Dave Osbourne

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