We are using SOGo with OpenChange in a production environment.

However, we are using a previous ZEG that did not include Samba.

To add users, we cloned them from the 'sogo' user in the LDAP module via Webmin.

It's quite simple to do, and then we ran 'cyradm' to create the mailbox, and that was it.

Since your ZEG does not have 'cyrus' and since it has Samba, I am unsure what to tell you.

We created Linux users first, then cloned the LDAP properties (since it authenticates via LDAP) via Webmin and created the Cyrus mailbox (as you already know) I'd say it depends on where it authenticates.

On 03/15/2013 01:15 PM, Scott Jordahl wrote:
Really?? No one has an answer? Is anyone really using SOGo Openchange in a production environment, or is this just an experiment for academic exercise?

On 03/14/2013 11:33 AM, Scott Jordahl wrote:
OK, I'm a little confused on how to add new users. I'm working with the ZEG appliance. As per the Native Outlook Configuration Guide, I'm using "samba-tool user add" and "openchange_newuser -- create". This allows me to connect via Outlook, however, when I try accessing via the web I/F it doesn't recognize the new user account. Am I also suppose to load the LDIF of the new user per instructions in the SOGo "Installation and Configuration Guide" (page #43)? How about the Cyrus mailbox? You use to have to run "cyradm" in order for the mailbox to get created. I notice that "cyradm" is not installed on the ZEG, so what's the real "complete" procedure for adding a new user.

-- Scott


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