Hi Odhiambo,

if your users login with their full email address (i.e.: u...@host.com), you do 
not need to set these parameters:


These parameters effect the login page only.  You may exclude them from your 

You can name your domains anything you want in your config.  I ran into a 
problem having the top entry, SOGoMailDomain, and id the same.  I currently use 
this strategy:

            -<DOMAIN>- = {
                SOGoMailDomain = <DOMAIN>;
                SOGoUserSources = (
                        id = "public-<DOMAIN>";

here is a sample from my config: 

            -hooktest2.com- = {
                SOGoMailDomain = hooktest2.com;
                SOGoUserSources = (
                        CNFieldName = cn;
                        IDFieldName = mail;
                        UIDFieldName = mail;
                        baseDN = "mvd=hooktest2.com,o=domains,dc=expanding";
                        bindDN = "cn=Manager,dc=expanding";
                        bindPassword = "*********";
                        canAuthenticate = YES;
                        displayName = "Share Users";
                        filter = "(objectClass='MaxwellMailAccount' AND 
accountActive='TRUE' AND delete='FALSE')";
                        hostname = mail.XXXXXXXXX.com;
                        id = "public-hooktest2.com";
                        isAddressBook = YES;
                        port = 389;
                        type = ldap;
                        MailFieldNames = (mail,description);

-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject: [SOGo] Misunderstanding SOGo 
Date: Monday, July 1, 2013 05:15 AM CDT 
From: Odhiambo Washington <odhia...@gmail.com> 
Reply-To: users@sogo.nu
To: users@sogo.nu 
> I have installed SOGo on one of the many FreeBSD boxes that I manage and I
> am kinda failing to understand something when it comes to Multi-domains
> setup.
> Here are my clueless moments:
> First, my config is availavle here -> http://goo.gl/lpKZk
> This is a virtual domains setup, with MySQL. Users authenticate with
> username@domain as userid, with their password.
> The following parameters confuse the hell out of me:
> SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID = YES;
> SOGoDomainsVisibility = ((domain1,domain2));
> SOGoLoginDomains = (domain1,domain1);
> (a) Since my users already login with full e-mail address as c_uid, I
> suppose SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID is not applicable in my case, right??
> (b) SOGoLoginDomains - this gives me a dropdownlist from the login page,
> but then I cannot just enter username (without the @domain), as
> authentication fails. Is this parameter expected to concat username and
> @domain selected from the dropdownlist, or where am I going wrong?
> (c) SOGoDomainsVisibility Parameter used to set domains visible among
> themselves. For what purpose is this visibility?
> When defining specific domains, can I use a shortname to introduce the
> domain, much like a placeholder, then define the full domain name in
> SOGoMailDomain, like below, or must I use FQDN everywhere?
> domains = {
>       crownkenya = {
>               SOGoMailDomain = crownkenya.com;
>                 .....
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Odhiambo WASHINGTON,
> Nairobi,KE
> +254733744121/+254722743223
> "I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists 

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