Thanks Christian, for the clarification.

I use SOGo SxS with Groupoffice and I find that Groupoffice allows me
to have a dropdown of the domains available on the system so that a
user only enters their first part of the e-mail address and then
chooses the domain from the dropdown.However, where as Groupoffice
uses IMAP authentication, I don't know how SOGo achieves the
authentication. For SOGo I have to enter the full e-mail address even
despite having a dropdown of the domains. In this respect I still find
groupoffice easier to use than SOGo - so far. I am sticking to SOGo in
order to see if one day I am able to get funambol working on FreeBSD.
Right now it doesn't compile.

On 23 July 2013 11:50, Christian Mack <> wrote:
> Hello
> Am 2013-07-06 01:52, schrieb Mark Madere:
>> if your users login with their full email address (i.e.:, you 
>> do not need to set these parameters:
>> SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID
>> SOGoDomainsVisibility
>> SOGoLoginDomains
>> These parameters effect the login page only.  You may exclude them from your 
>> config.
> That is not correct for SOGoDomainsVisibility.
> This option defines, whether the users of one domain can see the global
> address book of another domain.
> This affects sharing and autocompletion when writing emails or inviting
> people to an event.
> So e.g. if you have a domain per department and you want to have all
> addresses visible for each user in your company, then you have to set
> this option.
> Kind regards,
> Christian Mack
> --
> Christian Mack
> Gruppe Informationsdienste
> Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz
> --

Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."

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