
just wanted to bring back to attention that SOGo still lacks working ActiveSync 

My question is, are there any plans that inverse will be working on this?

I had to switch away from sogo to zarafa 2 years ago (after some unsuccessful 
tests with z-push / sogosync, see it mentioned in the Sogo Wiki) because more 
and more devices stopped working with SyncML and ActiveSync was the only 
alternative way to sync on them.

Now my zarafa installation died (database died by hard disk error) and I wanted 
to check out SOGo again.

After successfully setting up Samba4, SOGo, OpenChange I sadly had to regognize 
that the current z-push implementation (PHP-Push2) still is far from working. 

Meanwhile I'm installing horde3 (before falling back to a new zarafa 
installation) because they claim at least some ActiveSync support 
(http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync) while keeping a modular setup (reusing an 
existing IMAP server).

I have to admit that zarafa's z-push really worked for all my devices (Android, 
iOS, webOS, S60, BBOS 10, WM 6.*, WP 7.*, WP8, PlayBook OS 2.*), so why does 
(almost) the same PHP code fail for SOGo? (I know, it uses a different backend, 
the DAV access from PHP to SOGo is the difference).

I'm not sure if my situation with ActiveSync beeing a show stopper for 
deploying SOGo is generalizable enough, what do other people think of it? Did I 
miss something?

Best regards,



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