I think, the problem is ActiveSync itself, because it is not a free solution. We are able to implement it, because of thousand pages of documentation, but have to license using our implementation by Microsoft - theoretically. SOGo sets only on free interfaces like CALDAV etc. And it integrates the free Openchange (which implements the IMHO non-free MAPI from Microsoft).

Ok, it would be nice to have a built-in ActiveSync solution in SOGo. But IMHO the better way is to set on third party software, when there are CALDAV-Interfaces (or SMTP/IMAP ...) available.

So, PHP-Push2 seems for me the only way for integrating AS with SOGo, but its not a Inverse project, so they are not responsible for it.

The problem of PHP-Push is the big "less":
- less developers
- less testing users (!!!)
- less money

I'm sure, with more developer and more testing users it will do a step forward making ActiveSync usable. And THAT would be for me a solution - instead of grumbling to Inverse.


Am 03.09.13 12:54, schrieb Jan-Frode Myklebust:
On Tue, Sep 03, 2013 at 10:54:52AM +0200, alge wrote:

I'm not sure if my situation with ActiveSync beeing a show stopper for
deploying SOGo is generalizable enough, what do other people think of
it? Did I miss something?

I completely agree (except we didn't let it stop the show). Configuring
mobile clients without ActiveSync is too cumbersome, and my little
exposure to z-push didn't convince me it was production ready..

Is there anything we can do to get Inverse to focus on ActiveSync
support? Does it need funding? Is it a big difficult feature, or ..?



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