
Isn’t this addressed by new, native, built-in SOGo Active-Sync support?


On 26 Mar 2014, at 23:40, Adam Tkáč <von...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to announce GetOut - fork of the Funambol Outlook connector:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/getout/
> We extensively use SOGo in our company and syncing Outlook's contacts and 
> calendar (especially Outlook 2013) to SOGo was the last piece which didn't 
> work fine. Since it seems that Funambol company focuses on their OneMediaHub 
> project and no longer releases new versions of Funambol server and Outlook 
> connector, I decided to fork their Outlook connector v10 and develop it as 
> alternative. Currently the main differences from original v10 connector is 
> Outlook 2013 support, new (and hopefully better) build system based on CMake. 
> All stuff related only to OneMediaHub was removed and GetOut will serve only 
> as a program which sync Outlook's PIM data.
> The GetOut currently works with SOGo & Funambol v10 server but in future I 
> plan to add support for CalDav and CardDav protocols to avoid Funambol server 
> at all and sync Outlook directly with SOGo (note that I wasn't able to find 
> any open source CalDav/CardDav connector for Outlook). I hope this project 
> can help to build truly open source groupware without need of proprietary 3rd 
> party modules.
> I'm really sorry if this advertisement is inappropriate for this ML.
> Best regards, Adam

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