2014-03-28 13:05 GMT+01:00 Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org>:

> On 3/28/2014 7:13 AM, Martin Simovic <mar...@netson.sk> wrote:
>> Still don't get it. My understanding is:
>> - Openchange and Outlook Anywhere setup should be used for Outlook 2010
>> - SOGo built-in ActiveSync for Outlook 2013
>> - SOGo built-in ActiveSync for Android and iOS devices
>> - IMAP/CalDav/CardDav for Thunderbird and alike clients
>> Am I missing something? Why use Funambol or GetOut? Is there a reason to
>> get some +funccionality or is that just an alternative to the above?
> My understanding (could be wrong) is GetOut would obviate the need for
> both Funambol AND Openchange for Outlook <2013...
> Openchange is a huge layer of complexity that is not needed if you don't
> need to run a full Samba DC..

 GetOut needs only Funambol, not Samba DC or openchange. And when
CalDav/CardDav support gets ready, it will be able to connect directly to
SOGo without Funambol/Samba/Openchange...

Regards, Adam

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