2014-03-28 11:01 GMT+01:00 Charles Marcus <cmar...@media-brokers.com>:

> On 3/26/2014 6:40 PM, Adam Tkáč <von...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The GetOut currently works with SOGo & Funambol v10 server but in future
>> I plan to add support for CalDav and CardDav protocols to avoid Funambol
>> server at all and sync Outlook directly with SOGo (note that I wasn't able
>> to find any open source CalDav/CardDav connector for Outlook). I hope this
>> project can help to build truly open source groupware without need of
>> proprietary 3rd party modules.
>> I'm really sorry if this advertisement is inappropriate for this ML.
> I for one appreciate it and your efforts, but have some questions...
> 1. If you are successful getting full Cal/CardDAV support working, these
> will/should work perfectly with older Outlook versions (2010 at least, and
> maybe even 2007 or even 2003)?

Yes. API which is used to communicate with Outlook is same for all versions
so same code can handle all Outlooks with very minor modifications.

> 2. Will Task syncing be supported?


> 3. What will be the license?

Original Funambol connector is licensed under AGPLv3 and I don't plan to
change it.

> 4. What are these 'Outlook Redemption libraries' - which are non-free,
> commercially licensed - that are required for installation, why are they
> needed, and will they always be needed?

I plan to get rid of Redemption libraries but not in near future. They are
used to bypass Microsoft Outlook security patch which prevents connector to
work fine without user input (you will have to confirm that other app wants
to modify your calendar etc...)

Regards, Adam

> Thanks again, and please do post updates on your progress occasionally.
> Or, maybe more appropriate, open a bug/enhancement, and post updates
> there, so users can subscribe to it to monitor the progress?
> Thanks again,
> Charles
> --
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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