> On 27 Jan 2015, at 14:50, Martin Simovic <mar...@netson.sk> wrote:
> OK - Tested with EAS with following result:
> - iOS8 - RVSP buttons are there. However they are of no use, since event date 
> is always shown as 01:00 hour at 01.01.2001 (just like you say). Event is not 
> shown in right place in calendar either. 
> - Outlook 2013 - RVSP buttons are there. However, Outlook shows a note saying 
> “meeting organiser did not request response to this meeting” and after you 
> accept it correctly appears in Calendar but now response is sent. Haven’t 
> find a way to respond so far (other then to send an email with text “I am 
> coming!”.

** of course I wanted to say here “no response is sent” ** 

> Too bad. I wonder if there is any EAS client that would handle meeting 
> invites properly?
>> On 27 Jan 2015, at 13:23, zero one <lis...@outlook.de 
>> <mailto:lis...@outlook.de>> wrote:
>> I tested it with EAS and RSVP buttons are there. Problem here is, that 
>> always 01.01.2011 is shown as the event date (in the attached ics file the 
>> event date is correct).
>> Because we have to handle many external invites I switched to EAS.
>> Besides: I did a lot of testing with other solutions (Kolab, Apple 
>> Calendarserver, Baikal, etc.) - problem is always the same. When using 
>> IMAP/calDAV you never see rsvp buttons. Seems to be an issue of the iOS 
>> client. I talked to apple support and the confirmed this behaviour without 
>> admitting a bug. When using push services of Mac OS X server the problem 
>> does not exist - so Apple won't give it a big attention.
>> From: mar...@netson.sk <mailto:mar...@netson.sk>
>> Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:59:13 +0100
>> To: users@sogo.nu <mailto:users@sogo.nu>
>> Subject: Re: [SOGo] Activesync drains battery
>> Hi,
>> On 26 Jan 2015, at 18:22, zero one <lis...@outlook.de 
>> <mailto:lis...@outlook.de>> wrote:
>> Me too on iOS 8. No rsvp buttons. Invitation comes from external user (via 
>> outlook which is a usual scenario for me). IMAP server is dovecot. Maybe 
>> something related to the IMAP server?
>> It has nothing to do with IMAP. Did my tests, and you are right - no rvsp 
>> buttons when email is used as transport - this is the case of external 
>> users. For users within same domain / SOGo installation, all works fine. 
>> Haven’t tested with EAS though .. Will give it a shot.
>> M.


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