
Am 31.07.2015 um 18:34 schrieb Anil Thapa:
> On 07/31/2015 12:08 PM, Steve Ankeny wrote:
>> On 07/31/2015 07:36 AM, Khapare Joshi wrote:
>>> My SOGo version is 2.2.16 (root@shiva.inverse 201502121141).
>>> Something has changed in this version, some reason in my calendar
>>> names are not recognizable, instead it prints as : 147F-4Dcc ....
>>> But if I create a new calendar i.e test it is normal.
>>> I have attached the screen-shot. anybody has an opinion on this ?
>>> K
>> Are the alpha-numeric-named calendars "shared" calendars from other
>> users?
>> If so, that would seem to indicate the issue has to do with the
>> authentication of users -- a scrambling of usernames -- i.e., LDAP,
>> SQL, Samba-AD, Microsoft-AD, etc.  How are you authenticating users?
>> Where is user data stored?  It may also simply require a "fresh"
>> sharing from the original user.
>> It might also be helpful to know your OS, etc.
> Thanks,
> 1. users are from ldap
> 2. calendars, events are stored in postgresql
> 3. this is my own account.
> 4. I do not think this is something to do with authentication because
>       a) this particular calendar is not shared
>        b) if i create new calendar - for example TEST it does create
> exactly what I write
> 5. only those two calendar I created long ago had these 147F-4Dcc ....
> kind of names.
> 6. I had already took a look into the logs, when I click on these i see
> no error, warning message
> 7. This might be somewhere in the database or the sogo could not
> translate those to readable format - which I don't know where to fix
> Khapare

Do you use MySQL as backend?
Did you set the default language to UTF-8 in the SOGo database?

Kind regards,
Crhistian Mack

Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung Basisdienste
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416

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