On 08/03/2015 11:26 AM, Christian Mack wrote:

Am 31.07.2015 um 18:34 schrieb Anil Thapa:

On 07/31/2015 12:08 PM, Steve Ankeny wrote:
On 07/31/2015 07:36 AM, Khapare Joshi wrote:
My SOGo version is 2.2.16 (root@shiva.inverse 201502121141).
Something has changed in this version, some reason in my calendar
names are not recognizable, instead it prints as : 147F-4Dcc ....

But if I create a new calendar i.e test it is normal.

I have attached the screen-shot. anybody has an opinion on this ?

Are the alpha-numeric-named calendars "shared" calendars from other

If so, that would seem to indicate the issue has to do with the
authentication of users -- a scrambling of usernames -- i.e., LDAP,
SQL, Samba-AD, Microsoft-AD, etc.  How are you authenticating users?

Where is user data stored?  It may also simply require a "fresh"
sharing from the original user.

It might also be helpful to know your OS, etc.


1. users are from ldap
2. calendars, events are stored in postgresql
3. this is my own account.
4. I do not think this is something to do with authentication because
       a) this particular calendar is not shared
        b) if i create new calendar - for example TEST it does create
exactly what I write
5. only those two calendar I created long ago had these 147F-4Dcc ....
kind of names.
6. I had already took a look into the logs, when I click on these i see
no error, warning message
7. This might be somewhere in the database or the sogo could not
translate those to readable format - which I don't know where to fix

Do you use MySQL as backend?
Did you set the default language to UTF-8 in the SOGo database?

Kind regards,
Crhistian Mack

No I have been using postgresql since 2010 and SOGo database is set to UTF-8
 sogo      | sogo     | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8


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