Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Config Editor

Maximize the window, then filter on "calendar.reg" (minus the quotes)

Look for two entries for each calendar:


where XXXXX is a string associated with the SOGO internal calendar ID.

Dbl-click the .disabled entry to re-enable it.

IF the Calendar is supposed to be writeable, then do the same for the
readOnly entry.

The name for each Calendar will be between these two entries for each
one (see attached screenshot).

Note: Don't change the readOnly setting if the Calendar is, in fact,
supposed to be readOnly.

This has fixed it for me on multiple systems.



On 9/2/2015 12:02 PM, T.B. <> wrote:
> Am 31.08.2015 um 20:40 schrieb Tanstaafl:
>> On 8/31/2015 11:13 AM, Adi Kriegisch <> wrote:
>>> Hey!
>>>> One of my users this morning has all their calendars locked.  Both
>>>> their personal calendar and other calendars they are subscribed to.
>>>> This is in Thunderbird (38.2) but the SOGo web interface seems to be
>>>> working fine.  If I try to sync or reload, nothing happens.
>>>> Any ideas what to do and what has caused this?
>>> In our case lightning was stuck at version 4.0.0.X (due to us pinning the
>>> lightning version). After we allowed the upgrade to 4.0.2 calendars were
>>> still disabled and read-only; we had to manually reenable the calendars and
>>> set them read-write where appropriate directly in the config editor.
>> Ok, I'm experiencing a similar problem with one user...
>> If I uninstall Lightning and Connector/Integrator, her personal Calendar
>> comes back... for a while...
>> Then at some future time, it beclomes locked and unchecked/disabled, and
>> I am unable to re-enable it with the GUI.
>> I'll test to see if doing this in the Config Editor keeps it working.
>> Can you elaborate though on how many entires need to be changed?
>> Thanks,
>> Charles
> Hi,
> my Personal Calendar and two other of my Calendars are also locked since 
> some days. (Thunderbird 38.2.0, Lightning 4.0.2, Connector/Integrator 
> 31.0.1)
> If I right click on my personal calendar and then on settings, I can 
> open the settings dialog window.
> Only the checkbox for calendar activation is accessible.
> If I activate it, and/or-not-and uncheck the Write protection checkbox, 
> it is not possible to close the dialog window by clicking OK.
> Nothing happens if I click on OK, only Chancel works.
> 1. Inverse - any idea?
> 2. Question: what does Config Editor mean? Where can I find it?
> Kind regards,
> TB


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