Le 02/09/2015 18:34, Charles Marcus a écrit :
> Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Config Editor
> Maximize the window, then filter on "calendar.reg" (minus the quotes)
> Look for two entries for each calendar:
> calendar.registry.XXXXX.disabled
> calendar.registry.XXXXX.readOnly
> where XXXXX is a string associated with the SOGO internal calendar ID.
> Dbl-click the .disabled entry to re-enable it.
> IF the Calendar is supposed to be writeable, then do the same for the
> readOnly entry.
> The name for each Calendar will be between these two entries for each
> one (see attached screenshot).
> Note: Don't change the readOnly setting if the Calendar is, in fact,
> supposed to be readOnly.
> This has fixed it for me on multiple systems.

Worked here too. To make it even easier, you can use wildcard in the
search pattern:


> Hth...
> Charles
> On 9/2/2015 12:02 PM, T.B. <t.b.mailingli...@igeno-fat.de> wrote:
>> Am 31.08.2015 um 20:40 schrieb Tanstaafl:
>>> On 8/31/2015 11:13 AM, Adi Kriegisch <a...@cg.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
>>>> Hey!
>>>>> One of my users this morning has all their calendars locked.  Both
>>>>> their personal calendar and other calendars they are subscribed to.
>>>>> This is in Thunderbird (38.2) but the SOGo web interface seems to be
>>>>> working fine.  If I try to sync or reload, nothing happens.
>>>>> Any ideas what to do and what has caused this?
>>>> In our case lightning was stuck at version 4.0.0.X (due to us pinning the
>>>> lightning version). After we allowed the upgrade to 4.0.2 calendars were
>>>> still disabled and read-only; we had to manually reenable the calendars and
>>>> set them read-write where appropriate directly in the config editor.
>>> Ok, I'm experiencing a similar problem with one user...
>>> If I uninstall Lightning and Connector/Integrator, her personal Calendar
>>> comes back... for a while...
>>> Then at some future time, it beclomes locked and unchecked/disabled, and
>>> I am unable to re-enable it with the GUI.
>>> I'll test to see if doing this in the Config Editor keeps it working.
>>> Can you elaborate though on how many entires need to be changed?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Charles
>> Hi,
>> my Personal Calendar and two other of my Calendars are also locked since 
>> some days. (Thunderbird 38.2.0, Lightning 4.0.2, Connector/Integrator 
>> 31.0.1)
>> If I right click on my personal calendar and then on settings, I can 
>> open the settings dialog window.
>> Only the checkbox for calendar activation is accessible.
>> If I activate it, and/or-not-and uncheck the Write protection checkbox, 
>> it is not possible to close the dialog window by clicking OK.
>> Nothing happens if I click on OK, only Chancel works.
>> 1. Inverse - any idea?
>> 2. Question: what does Config Editor mean? Where can I find it?
>> Kind regards,
>> TB


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