On 08/09/15 17:47, Adi Kriegisch wrote:
There is a bug in Lightning[0] for which a patch exists[1] and a nightly
build is available[2] (without localization and all that). The Mozilla
Lightning team will roll out an updated Lightning version real soon now or
in two weeks -- depending on whom you ask. (And I have no idea if this will
be v4.0.2.1 or v4.0.3).

Adi, many thanks for your thorough and most helpful reply. I now understand that any outage of the CalDAV connection will cause the current Lightning plug-in to mark it as disabled. I don't use US English, so will wait for the next official release before re-testing.

I use OCSP stapling on all my Apache servers and have for some time. All seems to be functioning correctly there but the StartCom StartSSL OCSP server is very unreliable of late. If the server needs to verify the certificate (because the cached response has expired) and their server is unreachable it passes this information to the client. Thunderbird interprets this as an insecure connection and blocks access to the web server temporarily. This then triggers the Lightning bug and calendars vanish.

Glad we got to the bottom of it.  Thank again for your enlightenment.

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