On 2015-10-05 14:12, Mathieu Mirmont wrote:
> Anyone? Should I file a bug report? Is it a bug?

The mail field is supposed to be single-valued, I don't think it's a bug
in SOGo if you break your LDAP scheme on purpose.

(Exchange e.g. adds the multi-valued proxyAddresses attribute for this
purpose, and other groupware solutions use similar named ones. None, to
my knowledge, tries to make the main mail attribute multi-valued.)

> On 24/09/15 16:16, Mathieu Mirmont wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I use SOGo with an LDAP user database and my users have multiple "mail"
>> fields for email aliases. The first email address listed in LDAP is
>> always the canonical one, the one that should be used everywhere, and
>> the one that matches their LDAP uid. Generally the canonical mail
>> address is firstn...@company.com and aliases can be anything but often
>> firstname.surn...@company.com or f.surn...@company.com for convenience.
>> This causes problems with SOGo. I have the feeling that sogo reads all
>> mail fields from the LDAP database, and then does an strcmp() on all of
>> them to  select which one to use. With my setup it systematically  picks
>> the one with a dot as second character instead of the first entry.
>> Can I change this behaviour? I'm fine with recompiling SOGo if  necessary.
>> Here's an example scenario where this behaviour is problematic:
>> - In Thunderbird/Lightning the email address that is registered with my
>> calendar is my canonical email address: firstn...@company.com
>> - I create an event on Thunderbird and click "Invite Attendees". There
>> my email address isn't my canonical email address but one of my email
>> aliases: f.surn...@company.com and I cannot change it (greyed out).
>> - I invite attendees to my event, using their canonical email addresses
>> firstn...@company.com. They receive the invitation, accept it, and send
>> the confirmation email back.
>> - The confirmation email comes from their canonical email address (the
>> From: field of the email), but the content of the email refers to them
>> using one of their email aliases (f.surn...@company.com).
>> - Thunderbird says "This message contains an update to an existing
>> event". If I click the "Update" button, the event gets populated with a
>> new attendee, using the attendee's email alias.
>> - As a result I get double the number of attendees to my event, half of
>> them with their canonical email address and without confirmation, and
>> the other half with an email alias.
>> Cheers,

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, / Best Regards,
Sven Schwedas
TAO Beratungs- und Management GmbH | Lendplatz 45 | A - 8020 Graz
Mail/XMPP: sven.schwe...@tao.at | +43 (0)680 301 7167

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