John, thanks for the idea.  Confirming that I am using the same VB 5.0.20.

I updated/upgraded Ubuntu and when I entered Host, I got so it appears to be working (I think.  Still very near beginning of Linus learning curve so I could have completely misunderstood).

Didn’t resolve Active Sync issue.


On June 2, 2016 at 8:08 PM "\"\\\"John Radley (\\\"\" (" <> wrote:

As a matter of interest, is the ZEG VM working OK at the Unix level?
I ask because I recently ran it up in VirtualBox 5.0.20 (Windows 10 Host) and immediately issued apt-get update/ugrade, and found aterward DNS resolution had failed. I had to reinstall resolvconf.
Did you update Ubuntu?

On 02/06/2016 22:45, Peter R ( wrote:

This is the first time I am sending a question to this mailing list. I hope I am following proper etiquette. I am pretty good Windows person but Linux is new to me so please assume I need more details than not. Thanks.

I want to test sogo (via ZEG) for my home groupware (shared calendars and contacts among laptop and desktop Outlook 2013 and iPhones and iPads). If it works like I hope it does, I plan to do a full server build (still within a vm) as well as help a couple nonprofit organizations in town to do the same. With ZEG I have had partial success with Outlook using OpenChange interface (calendar worked great but I could not get contacts to sync correctly) and Apple using CalDav and CardDav (both worked but single ActiveSync connection seems simpler). Since Outlook 2013 and Apple products support ActiveSync, I decided to try that connection. In Outlook 2013, I get the message:
"Log onto Exchange ActiveSync mail server (EAS): The server cannot be found." On iPad, "Unable to verify account information." Both with same result: I can't connect to EAS.

Here are the inputs I am using from ZEG:
3.1.0 vm published late last month running in Oracle VirtualBox on WIN7 machine.
User Name/email:
PW: sogo
Mail server:
VM is set with bridge network.

As I missing some basic input or configuration step? Several people say ZEG works for them so I know it must be something I am or am not doing. Thanks.



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