Hi Peter!

Username is sogo3 without domain.

Regards, Thomas

----- Reply message -----
From: ""Peter R" (s...@homewith.us)" <users@sogo.nu>
To: <users@sogo.nu>
Subject: [SOGo] ZEG ActiveSync
Date: Fri, Jun 3, 2016 04:43
John, thanks for the idea.  Confirming that I am using the same VB 5.0.20.I 
updated/upgraded Ubuntu and when I entered Host example.com, I got so 
it appears to be working (I think.  Still very near beginning of Linus learning 
curve so I could have completely misunderstood).Didn’t resolve Active Sync 
PeterOn June 2, 2016 at 8:08 PM "\"\\\"John Radley (jradley.co.uk)\\\"\" 
(jrad...@jradley.co.uk)" <users@sogo.nu> wrote:

As a matter of interest, is the ZEG VM working OK at the Unix level?
I ask because I recently ran it up in VirtualBox 5.0.20 (Windows 10 Host) and 
immediately issued apt-get update/ugrade, and found aterward DNS resolution had 
failed. I had to reinstall resolvconf.
Did you update Ubuntu?

On 02/06/2016 22:45, Peter R (s...@homewith.us) wrote:
This is the first time I am sending a question to this mailing list. I hope I 
am following proper etiquette. I am pretty good Windows person but Linux is new 
to me so please assume I need more details than not. Thanks.I want to test sogo 
(via ZEG) for my home groupware (shared calendars and contacts among laptop and 
desktop Outlook 2013 and iPhones and iPads). If it works like I hope it does, I 
plan to do a full server build (still within a vm) as well as help a couple 
nonprofit organizations in town to do the same. With ZEG I have had partial 
success with Outlook using OpenChange interface (calendar worked great but I 
could not get contacts to sync correctly) and Apple using CalDav and CardDav 
(both worked but single ActiveSync connection seems simpler). Since Outlook 
2013 and Apple products support ActiveSync, I decided to try that connection. 
In Outlook 2013, I get the message:
"Log onto Exchange ActiveSync mail server (EAS): The server cannot be found." 
On iPad, "Unable to verify account information." Both with same result: I can't 
connect to EAS.Here are the inputs I am using from ZEG:
3.1.0 vm published late last month running in Oracle VirtualBox on WIN7 machine.
User Name/email: so...@example.com
PW: sogo
Mail server:
VM is set with bridge network.As I missing some basic input or configuration 
step? Several people say ZEG works for them so I know it must be something I am 
or am not doing. Thanks.Peter

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